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The XT Cross Tie

The XT® Cross Tie is a patented connection device that was designed and developed specifically for use in wall anchorage and diaphragm cross tie installations in tilt-up buildings.

XT Cross Tie Specifications

The XT Cross Tie is a highly improved alternate to holdown type connection devices, and can be used in many other applications.

XT Cross Ties come in five standard configurations. Custom configurations can also be created to suit your needs.

Purlin Wall Tie

Purlin Wall Ties are one of the many connections for which the XT-Cross Tie has been specifically designed. This photo shows one that has been installed using epoxy anchors into the wall panel.

Purlin Wall Tie

Diaphragm Cross Ties are another of the common uses for XT-Cross Ties. In this case, all-thread rod is used to span the space between two cross ties which reinforces the Glu-Lam to Glu-Lam connection.

Diaphragm Cross Ties (DXT)

Diaphragm Cross Ties are another of the common uses for XT-Cross Ties. In this case, all-thread rod is used to span the space between two cross ties which reinforces the Glu-Lam to Glu-Lam connection.

The XT® Cross Tie is a connection device that was designed and developed specifically for use in wall anchorage and diaphragm cross tie installations in tilt-up buildings. The XT Cross Tie is a highly improved alternate to holdown type connection devices, and can be used in many other applications.
XT Cross Tie features include the following:


  • Paired Installations: The XT Cross Tie is specifically designed to be used in paired installations. The XT Cross Tie may also be used for single sided applications as well.
  • XT Drill Guide: The XT Cross Tie was designed to accept an integrated Drill Guide, which quickly snaps onto the XT Cross Tie during installation, and allows the bolt holes to be drilled both quickly and accurately.
  • Bi-directional Load Capacity: The XT Cross Tie was specifically designed to resist loading bi-directionally. This allows connections to be designed to resist both tension and compression loads through the use of the rod as both a tension and compression element.
  • COLA Load Deformation Capacity: All standard XT Cross Ties have been designed (and verified with testing) so that their load deformation capacities are not limited by the City of Los Angles' (COLA) Load Deformation Capacity Criteria (load required to produce an 1/8" of device deformation on a steel test jig divided by three). Allowable XT load capacities are based on the capacity of the fasteners in wood.
  • Ductile Bolted Connection: Bolt ductility is an important, but little known issue with regard to the performance of bolted connections... Bolted connections that are “ductile” will perform far more reliably than “non-ductile” bolted connections... Using bolts that are too large can actually cause premature failure of connections. We have addressed this issue in our product designs.
  • Rod Offset Distance: Typically a minimum of 2" rod offset is required to clear hangers that may be present at connection locations. Many products in use for tilt-up retrofit has a lesser amount of clearance. The XT Cross Tie was designed with a standard rod offset distance of 2.33".
  • XT Nomenclature: XTNB-R: N = number of bolts, B = bolt size in 1/8 inches, R = rod size in 1/8 inches.
  • Custom XT Cross Ties: The design of the XT Cross Tie allows it to be easilly modified. Custom XT Cross Ties with 5/8", 3/4", and 1" bolts, increased load capacities, and increased rod offset distances are currently available. Contact Mercalli XII for more information.

For more information, load tables, design information, installation guidlines, and cad drawings, please contact Mercalli XII.