Wall Ties at Joints
In situations where a glulam beam is supported by a timber post at the wall panels, the panel joint is usually offset to one side of the post as shown in this photo. It is assumed that the original design detail used here was probably taken from purlin wall tie detail, and didn't take into account the panel joint location, nor the location of the chord bar splice. As such, the anchor (either a wedge or epoxy anchor) for this glulam wall tie ended up being located in both the chord bar splice pocket, as well as the panel joint. It is wondered if the contractor ever called the engineer about this situation, or just completed the installation "per the plans". This detail was common throughout two large buildings.
Another perspective of the previous photo. On this side of the glulam beam the anchor for the wall tie is only embedded in the chord bar splice pocket. This building is located within 2 km of the Hayward fault (Seismic Source Type A), and has wall panels that are 8" thick, and 27' tall. As such, even if the anchors had been installed adequately, the capacity of the single 3/4" through-bolt attaching the angles to the glulam beam is completely inadequate per current standards. Since this photo was taken, a complete roofline retrofit of this building has been implemented, and conditions such as these have been mitigated.
A purlin wall tie installation in the same building per the previous two photos. Note the proximity of the anchor to the panel joint. At a number of locations (with poor lighting) the anchors were located either at the panel joint, or within 2" of the joint, and more or less useless. Also note that the angles were fabricated with sloted holes in their anchor legs, but that at this location a washer had not been installed under the nut. At some locations the nuts were noted to be missing altogether. The capacity of the single 3/4" through-bolt attaching the angles to the purlin is completely inadequate per current standards. Since this photo was taken, a complete roofline retrofit of this building has been implemented, and conditions such as these have been mitigated.