HD Collectors
A collector connection with 2 - HDA10's aligned on a single rod. It appears that the 6x10 pad block is only attached to the glulam beam behind with 4 - 1/2" lag bolts. This will not be sufficient to keep the pad blocking from slipping relative to the glulam beam, and will greatly increase the deformations this connection will undergo when loaded. Also note that the rod nut on the front HD10A appears to be missing.
Another perspective of the collector connection shown in the previous photo. As can be seen, the rod nut at the first HD10A had been installed, but it's on the wrong side of the bearing plate. As such, this HD10A will be useless, and the overall load capacity of this connection will be limited to the capacity of just one HD10A, and not two. It should also be noted that the rod specified for a particular HD is sized per the capacity of that HD, and does not necessarily have the capacity of two HD's. It is possible to use high strength rod, as long as it is clearly specified on the plans, and has sufficient capacity to resist either the required collector design load, or the rated capacity of both HD's. Also take note of the second bolt from the base plate of the rear HD10A before going onto the next photo.
The back side of the collector connection shown in the previous photos. The second bolt from the left side of the right bolt group (and HD10A installation) appears to be missing, but is present from the front side, as can be seen in the previous photos. It would appear that the contractor completing this installation must have run out of bolts of the proper length, and to make it appear that the job was finished, just put in a shorter bolt (of unknown length), called it good, and moved on. Due to this revelation, the capacity of the overall collector connection can now only be taken to be 37.5 percent of the originally intended design capacity. If the contractor had been thinking, he would have used the short bolt on the other usless HD10A, the one with the rod nut installed on the wrong side of the bearing plate.
Another collector connection in the same building as the previous photos. Rather than installing all of the intermediate HD's as shown, this collector line it could have been greatly simplified by just running a continuous rod from the HD on the left to either the HD or connection point at the far right.