GLB Brackets
This strap tie was so badly located that it appears that it was just covered up with the insulation and forgotten about. This was typical of all of the strap ties throughout the building. Even though one would believe this building had discrete wall ties securing the concrete block walls to the roof framing system, in reality it did not, and was highly vulnerable to damage and/or collapse during an earthquake.
Another perspective of the previous photo. Since this photo was taken, a roofline retrofit of the building has been implemented, and conditions such as these have been corrected.
Another glulam beam bracket above an entrance to a grocery store with only a single wedge anchor installed backwards. It is wondered if the individual installing the security camera at this location thought there might be something amiss with the adjacent glulam bracket. Since this photo was taken, the anchor problems with all of the glulam brackets throughout the building have been corrected, and a complete roofline retrofit implemented.
At yet another glulam beam bracket, this one also above an entrance to a grocery store, the contractor apparently decided that only two wedge anchors would be required, one installed normally, the other backwards.
At another glulam beam bracket, this one above an entrance to a grocery store, the contractor apparently decided that only one of the four wedge anchors required per the original design detail would be adequate. Maybe this is because the contractor believed that wedge anchors have more capacity when installed backwards, and with minimal embedment. It is assumed that the inspector approving this installation must have agreed.
The original design detail for this glulam beam bracket attached to a concrete block wall called for either cast-in-place anchors, or wedge anchors. The contractor chose to install wedge anchors, and appears to have missed installing the top wedge anchor. Maybe three out of four was considered to be OK, but they do appear to be spaced a bit too close together.